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Sonic Unleashed.
Òðåéëåðû è ò.ä.
01 - Opening Night of the Werehog
02 - A New Journey Sonic: The Night of the Werehog Trailer
03 - Special Sundae Mazuri Trailer
04 - The First Night Wii Trailer
05 - Tails in Trouble! Desert Trailer
06 - To Spagonia! Werehog Gameplay
07 - Kidnapped Werehog Unleashed
08 - Same As Ever Greece Level Demo
09 - Gaia Manuscripts E3 2008 Beastly Trailer
10 - Eggman Again Mysterious Sightings Trailer
11 - Egg Beetle High Europe Trailer
12 - Temple Entrance Wolf Teaser Trailer
13 - Temple Activated! Sonic Unleashed Gameplay
14 - Planet Pieces Sonic Unleashed Gameplay 2
15 - Tails’ Report
16 - Amy’s Mistake
17 - Midnight Dance
18 - Rescuing Amy
19 - The Divine Beast
20 - The Key
21 - Chun-nan Temple
22 - Back to Normal
23 - Eggman’s Idea
24 - Spagonian Temple
25 - Guiding Pulse
26 - A Monster on Ice
27 - Holoskan Temple
28 - Project Dark Gaia
29 - Shamaran Temple
30 - Chip’s Change
31 - Chip’s Memories
32 - No Reason
33 - Eggmanland
34 - The Final Temple
35 - The 7th Continent
36 - Congratulations
37 - Pickle’s Message
38 - The Egg Dragoon
39 - Planet’s End
40 - Dark Gaia Appears
41 - Shrines in Flight
42 - Hour of Awakening
43 - Charge!
44 - Let’s Finish This!
45 - Spreading Darkness
46 - Dark World
47 - Hope and Despair
48 - The Final Form
49 - Darkness and Light
50 - Annihilation
51 - A Score Settled
52 - Rekindled Light
53 - Begin Anew
54 - Save the Speech
55 - To the Surface
56 - Always
57 - Sonic and Chip in Chun-nan
58 - Sonic and Chip in Holoska
59 - Sonic and Chip in Adabat

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